On April 17th, 2023, the Selectboard adopted the Older Americans Month 2023 Proclamation. Thank you, Thetford! The proclamation acknowledges a growing number of older adults in the community, and urges all of us to celebrate our older citizens, help create an inclusive society, and accept the challenge of flexible thinking around aging.

All of us here at Bugbee would like to extend a warm THANK YOU to Thetfordians, and the Thetford Selectboard, for acknowledging older adults!

For more information on Older Americans Month events & activities at Bugbee, visit our OAM page.

Older Americans Month 2023


Whereas, the Town of Thetford, Vermont includes a growing number of older Americans who contribute their time, wisdom, and experience to our community; and

Whereas, communities benefit when people of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds have the opportunity to participate and live independently; and

Whereas, the Town of Thetford recognizes the need to create a community that offers the services and supports older adults may need to make choices about how they age; and

Whereas, the Town of Thetford can work to build an even better community for our older residents by:

      • Not limiting our thinking about aging,

      • Exploring and combating stereotypes,

      • Emphasizing the many positive aspects of aging,

      • Inspiring older adults to push past traditional boundaries, and

      • Embracing our community’s diversity.

    Now, therefore, we the Selectboard of Thetford, Vermont on April 17th, 2023, hereby proclaim May 2023 to be Older Americans Month. We urge every resident to celebrate our older citizens, help to create an inclusive society, and accept the challenge of flexible thinking around aging.

    Sharon Harkay, Chair

    David Goodrich, Vice-Chair

    Mary Bryant

    Li Shen

    Steve Tofel