Many activities are offered virtually using a program called Zoom, both at Bugbee, but also through other places like Dartmouth Aging Resource Center, AARP, Osher, and more. With virtual activities, you are able to watch, interact, and talk or chat in real time! It’s not the same as being together in person, but it’s a great way to stay connected without going out in the wintertime–or COVID season.

What do I need? An internet connection, and a computer/laptop, tablet, or smartphone

How much does it cost? It’s free!

I’m bad at computers, is it hard to use? Nah, once you do it once or twice, it’s easy. If you can do the following things, you can use Zoom:

  • Check email and click on links
  • Use an internet browser
  • Navigate between different windows and program screens

How does Zoom work? This program creates virtual “meeting rooms.” The location of each room is contained in a special link, usually emailed to you by the owner of the room. When you click on the link, it will launch Zoom and bring you to that room. The program uses a webcam and microphone (if you have it), and shows a grid of all the other people who are present in that room. Don’t worry–you can mute your mic and turn video off, if you don’t feel presentable!

Want to give it a try? Or, have you done a virtual activity, and just want a few pointers? Call us, 802-295-9068 or email We can set up a practice meeting room to help you get started and/or give you an orientation of how the program works. Bring your device to the Center if you’d like, or we can walk you through it over the phone.