Hi folks!

It’s no secret that funding cuts from the state are impacting senior nutrition programs across southeastern Vermont this year. We are working together with other senior centers and meal sites to advocate for better funding levels to keep up with rising demand for services, and higher costs. In fact, over the past two years we’ve seen a 15% increase in the number of deliveries through our Meals on Wheels program – our busiest year ever for this program. Yet, during the last two months, we’ve received nearly $7,000 less from Older Americans Act funding compared to last year’s reimbursement rates.

We’re working on ways to adjust to this lower funding level. We’re trying to stabilize or reduce costs in the nutrition program. We’re asking for more funding from our local towns’ social service appropriations, in some cases for the first time in decades. The suggested meal donation will also go up for the first time in many years. The last resort, if we begin to draw down on reserves – and the most difficult to tolerate – may be to cap service levels and start wait lists.

If you haven’t given this year, and if you can afford it, please consider a contribution to Bugbee today. Every little bit helps, and contributes to this vibrant community of seniors, a place where friendships new and old thrive, and where people look after each other. (And eat well!) Some of our donors have set up automatic recurring donations. Even $5.00 a month adds up over time, and costs less than going out for coffee and a bagel these days!

If you’re unable to contribute, consider writing to our legislators to ensure they are aware that there is a need in our community. Or, consider getting involved as a volunteer!

Regardless of how you can help, thank you for being part of the Bugbee family. We are wishing you all a happy new year! Looking forward to seeing many of you during 2023!


Mark Bradley
Executive Director

To make a donation online, or set up a recurring donation, click the button below. Or, give us a call at 802-295-9068. You can also mail a check to Bugbee Senior Center, 262 N Main St, White River Jct, VT 05001.

Bugbee couldn’t function without volunteers. Not only have they saved the Center over $70,000 in payroll and mileage this year – most importantly, Bugbee volunteers help make this a fun, and welcoming place!

Write to our state and federal legislators to help them keep aware of the needs of seniors in our community. Let them know the role that the Bugbee community plays in your life. (And feel free to invite them to lunch here!)

Chamber Email Mailing Address
Vermont House kevinc@kevinchristie.org 110 State St., Montpelier, VT 05633-5301
Chamber Email Mailing Address
Vermont House ecole@leg.state.vt.us 111 State St., Montpelier, VT 05633-5301
Chamber Email Mailing Address
Vermont House hsurprenant@leg.state.vt.us 112 State St., Montpelier, VT 05633-5301
Chamber Email Mailing Address
Vermont Senate AClarkson@leg.state.vt.us 113 State St., Montpelier, VT 05633-5301
Chamber Email Mailing Address
Vermont Senate rmccormack@leg.state.vt.us 114 State St., Montpelier, VT 05633-5301
Chamber Email Mailing Address
Vermont Senate rwhite@leg.state.vt.us 115 State St., Montpelier, VT 05633-5301
Chamber Email Mailing Address
Senate https://www.sanders.senate.gov/contact/ 128 Lakeside Ave, Suite 235, Burlington, VT 05401
Chamber Email Mailing Address
Senate https://welch.house.gov/ 128 Lakeside Ave, Suite 235, Burlington, VT 05401
Chamber Email Mailing Address
House of Representatives beccabalint@gmail.com 128 Lakeside Ave, Suite 235, Burlington, VT 05401