Who Bakes the Best Cupcake in the Upper Valley?

We are seeking amateur and professional bakers for the Second Annual Great Bugbee Bake Off to be held at Bugbee on Saturday, September 24. The challenge: each baker is asked to bake 100 mini-cupcakes at home. The baker will then display their cupcakes at the Center on September 24 from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm for the public to sample. At the end of the event we’ll know who bakes the Best Cupcake in the Upper Valley!

For more information, or to sign up as a baker for this event, contact Susan at susan@bugbeecenter.org or 802-295-9068.

Mocha flavored cupcakes with an awesome Meals on Wheels display!

Pictured above is Susan with last year’s winner, Lauren Tillotson. Can you dethrone her?