Interested in joining the team at Bugbee? We’re glad to hear it! This is an awesome community, and we try every day to be welcoming. This extends to the way we hire. We’re not looking for someone like us, we’re looking for the best person for the job. The hiring process focuses on your skills and the way you work best, so we don’t want to see your resume, a cover letter, or even to know your name until we feel your skills and approach are a good fit for the team.
Great teammates come from many places, including places we wouldn’t think to look. The hiring process is broad and inclusive, and we aim to be as free from bias as possible. All applications start by submitting your email through the job posting. An online briefing is held to answer questions, and typically applicants complete one or two questionnaires. All applicants are handled anonymously until being invited to interview. Anyone who is interested in a position, regardless of any other factor, should consider applying.
Bugbee’s participants and visitors make this place what it is. We couldn’t do what we do without support from the community, from donors to volunteers. Learn more about who we are and different ways of getting involved!
Volunteering at Bugbee is rewarding, fun, and flexible. These positions are a big part of helping ensure the Upper Valley is a great place to age. Many activities are volunteer led, and all are an excellent way to meet people.