brown maple leaf in close up photography

September through new year’s is probably my favorite time of the year… although summer is also great, and spring’s thaw is always invigorating…and even winter brings its own delights. Alright, I guess I just like all the seasons, I’m a pretty cheerful guy. Kind of like Bugbee participants, it is really difficult to leave this place in a bad mood. September is also National Senior Center Month! This is a chance to show the world what our center, and what other senior centers, are all about. We are here to help you age well, to make new friends, to stay healthy and active, to be creative, and to find your purpose. It is our hope that by keeping seniors strong, we are helping strengthen the wider community as a whole.

I was reading an article recently about “Third Places” and how important they are for strong towns. If the First Place is home, and the Second Place is work, then the Third Place is where people can just…be together – free or relatively inexpensive places where you can reflect, make connections, meet new people, and hang out, outside the home or workplace. It’s where ideas happen, stories are shared, networks form, relationships start, and where the seeds for big things are planted. It makes sense intuitively: strong communities always seem to have lively parks, sidewalks, libraries, arts & culture spaces, places of worship, farm stands & markets, casual bars & restaurants, community centers…and SENIOR CENTERS! (I think the Transfer Station in Thetford also counts as a “Third Place!”)

For me, this is why the Mini-Trips have been so exciting, it’s bringing Bugbee to other Third Places, sparking all kinds of new connections. And, you know what’s great? Groups of friends who met from Bugbee have been forming their own outings on their own! Francisco is always welcoming people, especially new Bugbee seniors, to weekend dinners and get-togethers, ask him what’s next.

Alright, enough big thinking for now! I’m excited Christy put stuffed shells back on the menu. For this National Senior Center Month, we’d encourage you to bring a new friend who has never been to Bugbee, a family member, or your kids. Their lunch is on us this month. Thank you for making Bugbee the amazing place it is.

Mark Bradley
Executive Director