I refuse to say summer is over! In some places, summer is considered to be just June, July, and August. Scientifically, autumn begins September 22. Seems like in New England we split the difference and Labor Day weekend traditionally marks the last rose of summer. Whichever you prefer, one thing we can all agree on: September is National Senior Center Month!

This year’s theme is “Strengthening Community Connections.” That seems like a fancy way of saying“ hang out with friends.” So, to celebrate, Bugbee is hosting our first ever cornhole tournament. Anyone can play – it’s easier than pickleball! This month is also the return of the Great Bugbee Bake Off challenge, bringing in bakers of all ages to the Center. I’m always impressed by good bakers, I can’t tell a cup from a gram in the kitchen. And of course more great BugbeeTalks, Trivia, virtual classes, and more.

Regular visitors to Bugbee will notice some sprucing up has been going on. Many thanks to artist Gaal Shepherd for donating several beautiful large paintings from her collection. (Jack’s clock is now in the puzzle nook.) New audio/visual equipment throughout the building will make it possible to do a wider variety of classes, presentations, meetings, and virtual events. New carpet has gone into the library and former pool room, now home to fitness and wellness classes and affinity groups.

As we wait for the leaves to change, I’ll be reflecting on other community connections. I used to volunteer a lot more before the pandemic, and now that life is…closer…to normal, I’m finding myself inspired by all the amazing volunteers who keep Bugbee running. My goal for the fall is to get back into the game and find a good cause to volunteer my time and start giving back.

For now, let’s settle in, enjoy the return of pumpkin spice, and keep in touch. Thanks everyone for being so great, we really look forward to coming in to work every day to see you. Cheers!

Mark Bradley
Executive Director