October Director’s Corner

It’s certainly starting to look like fall! Seeing the leaves change is probably my favorite time of year, before the cold and snow settles in. Good time to go berry picking, find some pumpkins, enjoy some cider, and go leaf peeping. Autumn has so much to enjoy in New England. 

Speaking of cooler weather, we’ve gotten new heat pumps installed for the entire building, in case you were wondering what all the trucks and workers were about. Heat pumps work like a reversible air conditioner and are an energy efficient way to heat and cool the space. These were installed by the Town of Hartford as part of their overall energy efficiency goals for town properties. Thank you to the team at ARC Mechanical, they did a great job working around our busy schedule! 

From Cupcakes last month to Oktoberfest this month, we have some great activities planned. Our last night opening on Thursday the 7th promises a lot of fun. Tai chi, an important part of fall prevention, is back at the Center this month. Virtual programs continue through the fall, and our new website is almost ready for launch. Plus all the fun activities and delicious meals we know and love; bingo, cards, poetry, fitness, and more. 

October also kicks off our end of year fundraising season. This year we are offering the opportunity to become a sustaining supporter with automatic monthly contributions. We’ve also partnered with a national nonprofit to make it easy for us to accept vehicle donations—even boats! All of these are tax-deductible gifts. Contributions from the community make up a substantial portion of our revenue so I hope you will consider donating this year, and thank you to those who have donated recently. 

We’ve been sharing some good times here despite the persistence of COVID. We’re in such better shape compared to October last year and there’s a good energy around Bugbee lately. So, get your shots, take a look at the calendar of activities this month, and we’ll look forward to seeing you on your next visit. Thanks for being a part of life here at Bugbee. You’re all the reason we look forward to coming to work every day. 

Mark Bradley
Executive Director