March for Meals is a chance each year to celebrate Bugbee’s Meals on Wheels program. In the past year, Bugbee’s 48 volunteer meal drivers have delivered 21,644 meals to 156 area seniors – almost 3,000 more meals than the year before. That’s a lot of food! Our celebration is coming at a time when we are delivering more meals than ever, while operational and food costs are soaring due to historic inflation.

What can you do to help Bugbee Meals on Wheels?

  • Tell your legislators to support H.109, a bill at the statehouse that improves state funding for older adult nutrition programs. (You can find more information about it in this Bulletin)
  • Volunteer! We are always looking for new drivers and sub drivers to help keep the program on the road. Even if you don’t like driving, we have other volunteer opportunities, too!
  • Share with people! Tell your family and friends about Meals on Wheels and how important it is. Or use this as an opportunity to connect with an older adult in your life, just to say hi.

Why is Meals on Wheels important? Because it addresses truly essential needs. Over 40% of our meal recipients are living in poverty, nearly half are alone at home and at risk for social isolation, and many are threatened by hunger. Meal drivers are friendly faces who provide an opportunity to check in –that interaction can sometimes be just as valuable, if not more, than the meal alone.

As with anything at Bugbee, the social connection is what matters. A recent Harvard study found that socializing is the #1 most important factor for happiness and a longer life. As we trudge through mud season towards spring, let’s all make an extra effort to keep in touch! I know for me and the rest of staff, hearing the Center full of people laughing and talking is so uplifting. We’re glad you’re here!

Mark Bradley
Executive Director