Goodbye, Omicron! All those extra precautions—including staying a little more shut in than any of us Bugbee folks are used to—has paid off, and we’re back in action with group activities. Thank you all for your patience and understanding during these times. Masks are still required indoors, but I hope that we can lift that mandate this spring. Remember to stay home if you have any sniffles, sore throat, etc. And maybe, just maybe, you’ll get a Bulletin someday soon that doesn’t even mention COVID-19! We can hope!

March of this year doesn’t only bring us into Mud Season, it also marks the 50th anniversary of funding for Meals on Wheels and the nutrition program through the Older Americans Act! We’re very grateful for this support, but it’s only a part of the story. Volunteers and donations from the community are no less important in keeping the meal program running, and you all are essential to the program’s success. The kitchen is expecting to make over 2,500 meals this month, so there is a lot to celebrate on this important anniversary! Thank you all!

For now, keep your boots out, don’t forget to set your clocks forward on the 13th, sign up for some lunch or activities, and keep in touch! Hope to see you all soon!

Mark Bradley
Executive Director