a scenic view of the mountains and trees

Are you a summer person? It’s hard not to enjoy the warmer weather and sunny skies (as much as I often complain about the humidity) … Remember to stay cool and hydrated! Drink more water than usual, stay in cool places (like Bugbee!), and get plenty of rest.

Speaking of humidity, last month I went to the National Council on Aging conference in Arlington, Virginia. It was awesome to be around so many other senior center workers from across the country, learning about things we do the same, what we do differently, and what kinds of issues and challenges we all face together. There was one debate I came across during the conference that I’ve been chewing on. We tend to use “older adult” and “senior” interchangeably here at Bugbee. In other places, there is a sense that “senior” has negative connotations and should be avoided.

Why is that the case? We often celebrate and respect seniors in high school, senior officials, senior leadership, people with seniority in the workplace, etc. So, why not seniors in life? Seniors bring so much richness of experience and vitality to community life, add so much character and diversity to our towns, and have valuable perspectives on life. Aging is something that starts the moment we are born, so why not look at the presence of seniors in our community as a gift: something to be proud of, and a sign that our community is strong enough to support people through life!  What is your opinion?

Okay, enough big thoughts for today. Whether you consider yourself a senior, older adult, or simply a fellow human being, let’s enjoy watching the pickleball courts hop, the dining room bustle, and appreciate the chance to work together to keep each other active. Grab something cool to drink, find some shade, and settle in for a fun month ahead.

Mark Bradley
Executive Director