I wanted to start off this month with a special thank you to the volunteers who helped keep Bugbee open as a cooling station during last month’s unusually early heat wave. I’m always humbled by those who are able and willing to donate the most precious thing of all: our time. Thank you! On the topic of summer heat, are you looking forward to this summer’s pool parties? We’ve been happy to coordinate with Hartford Parks & Rec to organize some senior-friendly pool time at the Sherman Manning Pool. Thank you to Scott Hausler and his team for working with us to make this happen.

If you’re like me and prefer to avoid sunburn, we have got plenty of things going on at the Center as well. I’m particularly looking forward to the Summer Cookout. Officer Deborah Kahrs will be here to talk all about airport security checkpoints. And, someone from the Vermont Secretary of State will be here to help us get ready for election season. Alexis Reale’s Dance Movement Workshop looked really fun the last time she was here…Do you think we should get Alec and Susan to join the workshop?

Also, check out the Farmers Market program on the back! This is a great program, I hope people will enjoy it. Maybe I’ll see you at one of the markets. I go to the one in Lebanon a lot, and also enjoy Norwich. I haven’t been to the West Hartford or Hartland markets yet, who wants to come with me? In the meantime, enjoy your barbecues, stay cool, and have fun this month! Happy Fourth of July!

Mark Bradley
Executive Director