assorted hear-shape candies on white bowl

Welcome to the shortest month of the year! I hope everyone is keeping warm. Bugbee is certainly cozy. February’s calendar has some great activities coming up. In addition to the usual, we’ve got a presentation from the Alzheimer’s Association, a Meet & Greet with the new Hartford Community Nurse, a talk about Hospice care, and of course some fun with a cornhole tournament, a new round of Team Trivia, painting class with Christine, and Valentine card-making for our Meals on Wheels participants.

A special thank you to one of our volunteers, Dan, who has made huge progress helping to clear and organize our basement. I wish I could show you, but authorized personnel only! Dan is on a list of a few other volunteers (and of course Alec and Susan) who have helped with this effort over the past year or so. Storage space is so limited at Bugbee, especially for durable medical equipment, and it has been a significant help to have more room to safely store those items and boxes that we don’t need access to every day.

I also wanted to give a thank you to the hundreds of people who completed the Bugbee 2030 surveys and focus groups. We got some valuable feedback and tons of great ideas. Now begins the fun of sifting through all this information and drafting a report. I am looking forward to presenting more about the final plan this spring.

As we enjoy…to the best of our ability…the depths of winter, I hope you’ll come join us this month for some activities and to share the cheer that Bugbee brings every day. Winter is a lot easier for me to get through after meeting all of you. Happy Valentine’s Day!

Mark Bradley
Executive Director