Director’s Corner: February 2023

snow-covered pine tree under cloudy sky

Happy February, folks! We’ve certainly had some wacky weather to start off the new year. I remember last year it was freezing while I wrote this column, today as I write it’s surprisingly warm and rainy. If you’re ever wondering whether wintry weather will impact if Bugbee is open, you can give us a call, watch WCAX, follow us on Facebook, or check our website. And, a good rule of thumb: if Hartford schools are closed, it’s likely we are as well.

I had an interesting start to the year, was out sick for a few days (happily not covid). A reminder that there are a lot of respiratory illnesses going around this winter. Make sure you wash your hands regularly, avoid going out if you’re feeling under the weather, and keep your masks handy! I learned that modern technology certainly helped me get a lot of work done from home while I was recovering…but equally realized that I’m a people person. I missed seeing everybody!

Speaking of technology, one of the neat things with the check in screen when you arrive at the Center, is that we can easily keep track of new people who are joining Bugbee for the first time (or maybe the first time in a long while). Just in the last month we welcomed 29 seniors to the Bugbee community! It’s so cool to see new people exploring all the services, activities, and connections here. Thank you for helping contribute to a friendly, welcoming environment. And for the new folks, welcome to Bugbee!

Alright, I’ll sign off for now. Happy Valentine’s Day, hope to see you around. Stay warm and healthy this month, and keep in touch!

Mark Bradley
Executive Director