Director’s Corner: December 2022

cookies in bowl near Christmas tree

‘Tis the season! It’s hard to pick a favorite holiday, but for me the December holidays have to be tied for best (Of course, not only Christmas, Alec has helped share the joy of Chanukah with us all). I’m a sucker for all the lights and decorations along with all the tasty treats that this time of year brings to us. If we get good snow I’ll be getting my skis waxed, already have my tree up at home, and am looking forward to some quality time with family and friends.

Friends certainly include you folks at Bugbee! With all the events this month I get more chances to hang out. This year’s Craft Fair is full of talented crafters and their wares. We also have the month-long Holiday Raffle, with an excellent set of prizes. Thank you to Susan for helping to coordinate that, and for all of the companies and individuals who are donating prizes. As fun as those events are, I think I’m most excited for the Cookie Walk. We have got to have some of the best bakers in New England!

These events are an important part of the fundraising mix that helps us support all of the friendships, great meals (thank you Christy, Cheryl, and Robert!), fun activities, and all manner of help and assistance available for Bugbee seniors. So, I’d also like to thank the 147 donors who have given so far this year, and who have raised more than half of our goal in just two months! As the year’s end approaches, hopefully you can consider becoming a donor, or a volunteer or – just enjoying a nice meal from Bugbee.

Once you’re done reading this month’s Bulletin, enjoy whatever gets you in the holiday spirit – tree trimming, menorah lighting, or even just relaxing. I’m always so curious to hear about what you have planned for the holidays, and love hearing from everyone, so please keep in touch. Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year, from all of us at Bugbee!

Mark Bradley
Executive Director