white and yellow flowers during daytime

Happy April, Bugbee! We’ve been enjoying some glimpses of warmer weather and I’m sure are all eager to welcome spring. I’m looking forward to this month’s activities and talks. The Lebanon Airport Tour should be a lot of fun and I might have a few items needing mending at the Bugbee Repair Fair!

It’s Volunteer Appreciation Month, and I hope you’ll join me in giving a big THANK YOU to all of the crew who keep Bugbee buzzing. To all our trusty Meals on Wheels drivers, wait staff, receptionists, potato peelers, Bulletin folders, activity leaders, decorators, basement organizers, trip chaperones, raffle ticket sellers, bingo callers, bakers, volunteer drivers, kitchen helpers, board members, and professional listeners: you are the reason Bugbee is a great place to be.

Are there any activities or events you’d like to see on the calendar? So much of what ends up on the schedule starts with a conversation with participants, many of whom continue to volunteer to make new things happen, so keep the ideas coming. Even though it’s only April, we’ve already started talking about the Bugbee Games in August and thinking through ideas for new competitions to put on the schedule. Shuffleboard, maybe?

In the meantime, we’ll keep busy behind the scenes planning menus, working on the strategic plan, and making sure everyone has plenty to do this spring. Hope to see many of you this month. Next time you see a Bugbee volunteer, help us thank them for their contributions!

Mark Bradley
Executive Director