April showers bring…Volunteer Recognition Month! This is one of my favorite times of year because we get an opportunity to express gratitude for our awesome volunteers, and being grateful simply feels great. Bugbee is a friendly and welcoming place because of the spirit of service and fun that volunteers offer to all of us. I am especially grateful for our volunteers’ sense of initiative. We are fortunate to have some truly creative and talented people, natural problem solvers, along with more than a few sharp wits and smarts. Several of our activities have been organized entirely, 100% by volunteers! And there are few other activities that we could pull off without their help. Thank you!!!

In other news, the Town of Hartford is seeking proposals for an Architectural Feasibility Report. This is great news! It is the first step towards completing some major projects, including accessibility improvements and modernizing mechanical systems. Many of these projects need plans and designs before the work can be contracted, so this step is a key part of getting the work done efficiently and correctly. The building is getting close to 50 years old (young, compared to many of us!) and we want to make sure it’s serving area seniors for decades more. We are grateful for the Town’s support—it is an acknowledgement that seniors are a fast growing and an important part of Hartford.

As important and necessary as the building is, Bugbee is about the people here. Bugbee seniors have traveled the world, enjoyed all kinds of careers, raised families, and built this community over generations. Now we can all relax and gather together to share time over a hot meal and wholesome activities. What a simple and wonderful thing.

Mark Bradley
Executive Director