Policies for Visitors

Masks are encouraged.

June 20, 2022. Statewide community levels are currently low. Masks are encouraged but not required for people who are up-to-date on vaccinations. Please consider wearing one if you, or someone you spend time with, is unvaccinated or is at a higher risk. Hand sanitizer remains available at the Center and we encourage all visitors and participants to practice good hand hygiene.

We are still encountering questions from people regarding whether or not they can come for lunch or activities if they feel sick. If you have any symptoms of respiratory illness, please stay home and get tested. Do not assume it’s just allergies, or a cold, or the flu. We have a stock of rapid COVID-19 tests that you can use. Please feel free to keep a set at home just in case, or purchase test kits from your local pharmacy.


We have a limited stock of home testing kits available for vulnerable seniors in the community, including their caretakers. Call 802-295-9068 to arrange for pick-up, or ask at the front desk.

Rapid tests are a quick, convenient, and effective way of determining whether or not you have been infected with Covid-19. They are most effective when two rapid tests are taken a couple days apart from each other. If you are experiencing symptoms or are concerned about exposure, please do not come to the Center until after you have taken a couple rapid tests, or confirmed your status with a PCR test through your health provider.

Bugbee staff and volunteers are being tested frequently. We encourage you to test for COVID-19 frequently either through your health provider, clinic, or using home testing kits. The Vermont Health Department maintains information on testing and local sites on their website.


Vaccines are the best tool to help slow the spread of COVID-19. Vaccines help your body fight off the virus. When you are vaccinated you are much less likely to get sick and less likely to transmit the virus to others. Anyone who is not vaccinated is still vulnerable to experiencing the worst of COVID-19 and can continue spreading the virus. The more people who get vaccinated, the fewer chances for transmission and mutations, and the faster we can end the COVID-19 pandemic. Learn more about COVID-19 vaccines >>


If you have any questions or concerns, please give us a call. Below are some helpful links related to the ongoing pandemic from our local health departments. We recommend using these resources to verify other information you may encounter online or through other media outlets.

Last updated: May 17, 2022.