Many of you may recognize Ian Clark’s Loon photos from Daybreak. Since 2012, Ian has spent a couple thousand hours photographing on ponds throughout New England and the Adirondacks following loons. If you enjoy his pictures, then we have good news! Ian will be joining us to give us an inside view of their lives with his presentation “An Uncommon Look at the Common Loon.” Loons are one of the North Country’s icons. Their haunting calls echoing are a highlight of living near a pond. The chance to see them carrying their chicks on their backs is a treat. Common loons are large, territorial birds. They are devoted parents and a pair will raise one or two chicks each year. Ian’s presentation will show them courting, defending their territory, and raising their chicks.

Ian and his photo editor wife live in West Newbury, VT where they’re probably best known for their sports photos in the local papers.

October 26 @ 1:00 pm
1:00 pm — 2:00 pm (1h)

Bugbee Senior Center