Benefits Specialist
You might be surprised how many of us are eligible for benefits – some that we don’t even know about! Liz Carey from Senior Solutions will be at Bugbee twice a month to help you figure out the system.
You might be surprised how many of us are eligible for benefits – some that we don’t even know about! Liz Carey from Senior Solutions will be at Bugbee twice a month to help you figure out the system.
May went by so quickly, I feel like it was yesterday when I wrote the last Director’s Corner! I hope you had a wonderful Older Americans Month, and that you had the chance to make some new friends or try a new activity.
Locally Yours provides an opportunity for Bugbee seniors to enjoy fresh produce grown locally. Senior Solutions has purchased six weekly shares from Sunrise Farm.
On May 2, the Hartford Selectboard proclaimed May 2023 as Older Americans Month, joining Thetford in celebrating the contributions of older adults to our communities.
Happy Older Americans Month! We’ve got some great things planned to help acknowledge and celebrate the contributions of older Americans to the Upper Valley.
Bugbee will soon be offering new evidence-based programs! We recently received funding from a Congressionally Directed grant that will allow us to offer new FREE