Thank You Volunteers!

If you can imagine Potterville, that would be Bugbee Senior Center without volunteers. Phones would go unanswered. Meals would be prepped but sit idle in the kitchen. Homebound folks would wait for their favorite meal driver who doesn’t show. There would be no Bugbee Café, Bulletin, vegetable gardens, landscaping, card games, Mahjong, or piano music. No special events like the annual craft fair or the cupcake challenge. Imagine a world without Bingo!!! Pretty bleak indeed. But thanks to our volunteers the Center is more like Bedford Falls. Our volunteers allow the Center to provide vital services such as meal deliveries, congregate meals, social connections, and coveralls (don’t clear your cards!). Our volunteers add color to the lives of our seniors and our community.

Volunteering at Bugbee is a huge win for the Hartford (and surrounding) community. And it’s also a huge win for our crew. Our diverse group of volunteers get to share their interests and knowledge with a community of grateful seniors. Volunteering provides a sense of service, community, and social connectedness.

In Vermont...

  • 185,306 volunteers contribute 16.1 million hours of service worth ~$390.1 million
  • 36% of Vermonters volunteer, ranking us 16th among states
  • 97.4% of Vermonters regularly talk or spend time with friends and family
  • 58% of Vermonters do favors for neighbors
  • 25.8% of Vermonters do something positive for the neighborhood
  • 33.3% of Vermonters participate in local groups or organizations
  • 53.6% of Vermonters donate $25+ to charity

This Year at Bugbee...

  • 112 volunteers have donated their time
  • 92% are seniors themselves. Shouldn’t they be enjoying retirement???
  • They worked about 5,300 hours at Bugbee
  • The pay equivalent of their hours put in is worth an estimated $75,728