Motion is lotion!
Senior Fitness will get you moving and grooving! Instructor Liz Hatfield will have you pumping the two-pound weights again in no time. Join this exercise class, move your body and feel physically, mentally, and emotionally better.
$8 per class. No sign up required. Any questions? Call 802-295-9068.
Bugbee’s Got the Beat!
Join us for Cardio Drumming! It’s a fun and simple exercise that activates many muscles with high-intensity drumming movements. You don’t have to be a drummer to do it, and you don’t even need drums. Besides drumming, this exercise will include some dance moves and steps that will put your whole body in motion. Sign up is required as space is limited! Call 802-295-9068 for more info.
Some of the benefits of cardio drumming are:
- Improve cardiovascular health & coordination
- Lower blood pressure
- Reduce stress & anxiety
- Increase strength & endurance
- Strengthen your immune system