Dr. Steven E. Sodergren
Removing and Renaming: A Discussion of the Current State of Civil War Commemoration
12 Noon Social Hour
12:30 Buffet Lunch
12:45 Business Meeting
1:00 Program followed by discussion and book raffle
Dr. Sodergren will talk about the removal of the final monuments in Richmond as well as having a discussion on the renaming of US military bases away from the names of Confederate generals that many currently carry.
Steven E. Sodergren
Professor Steven Sodergren received his Ph.D. in American and Military history from the University of Kansas in 2006, joining the faculty at Norwich University in Northfield, Vermont in 2007 and rising to the rank of Professor of History in 2018. Professor Sodergren is currently chair of the Department of History and Political Science at Norwich, which is the nation’s oldest senior military college. At Norwich, he offers a variety of classes on American military history, with an emphasis on coursework related to the Civil
War. Each summer he leads cadets on an annual staff ride to Civil War battlefields. Dr. Sodergren also sits on the advisory board for the John and Mary Frances Patton Peace and War Center at Norwich, and is an Associate Editor for the Journal of Peace and War Studies. He has published multiple articles and book chapters on Civil War history, participated in several National Endowment for the Humanities seminars on the Civil War, and been an invited speaker across the country on a variety of historical topics.
In 2017, Sodergren published his first book, The Army of the Potomac in the Overland and Petersburg Campaigns: Union Soldiers and Trench Warfare, 1864-1865. This work was the recipient of the 2018 William E. Colby Military Writers’ Award. It was also a finalist for both the 2018 Gilder-Lehrman Prize for Military History and the 2018 Army Historical Foundation Distinguished Writing Award. Professor Sodergren is currently working on his second book, which examines the political activism of Union veterans following the Civil War.
Bugbee Senior Center