yellow and red fireworks

Happy New Year, folks! Wishing you all a happy, healthy, and warm start to 2023. Did you set any new year’s resolutions? How about more lunches at Bugbee! We have had so much fun in 2022, I’ve been enjoying looking through all the photos from activities and events this year. We sure kept you busy!

How many of you lost power during last month’s Nor’easter? I haven’t seen anything like that since I lived south of Montreal during the 1998 ice storm. I am glad everyone seemed to make it through the outages alright but that was still scary, especially as temperatures started to dip. We are thankful for the utility workers, plow drivers, and neighbors who helped out.

Speaking of wintry weather, a friendly reminder to our Meals on Wheels clients to do your best to ensure walkways and driveways are clear of snow. If the Center is closed due to the weather, we’ll send phone calls out to volunteers and Meals on Wheels folks. You can also check our website, or Facebook page, or watch WCAX. We also update the phone message and send out emails.

As we head into the new year, I want to be sure to thank our team of volunteers and staff for the incredible work they’ve done. I’m fortunate to work with such a great team, and we are fortunate to have such a fun group of people who participate in life at Bugbee. I’m excited to see what we can cook up for you this year!

Mark Bradley

Executive Director