It’s year-end fundraising season here at Bugbee, and we’ve thanked 102 people from the community for making a gift since January! We’ve still got a way to go before we reach our goals to support the Center, so today we wanted to highlight our first-time Sustaining Supporters. You can now set up a recurring donation through the the website, in person, or over the phone. Donations are automatically withdrawn from credit, debit, checking, or savings on a set schedule, and folks can cancel any time with no questions asked.

Not only is this a convenient way to provide lasting support for area senior citizens, this type of gift is valuable because it ensures cash flow throughout the year, which can help out during leaner months. It also adds up! $5 a month – that might be enough to get a specialty coffee at the chain shops these days – turns into a $60 tax-deductible donation by the end of the year. You can set your own giving level and your own automatic withdrawal schedule to fit your budget while supporting all the meals, activities, and services on offer through the Center.

If you would like to become a Bugbee Sustaining Supporter, it’s easy! You can fill out the secure form below today, just check off “Show my support by making this a recurring donation.” You can also call 802-295-9068 any time Monday to Friday, 8 to 4. There are also lots of other ways to support Bugbee Senior Center, if you’d like to learn more click here.

Thank you for considering a sustaining gift! Keep in touch, and hopefully we’ll see you at the Center sometime soon. We’ve got a lot going on these days, check out the calendar!